Apologies, it is for a class


Forgive me followers, I am making this post for a class. It will be deleted in a week.

I have been asked in all the ways in which I use the internet. Obviously for the readers here, I use the internet to convey my ideas on things I love (specifically Dice Masters for this site), but there are many other ways.

Very soon, Dave and I will be playing Dice Masters on Vassal/Google Hangout. This is a way for me to play games with someone who does not live close to me. (I also play Xbox One for this same purpose, entertainment and socializing with my friends who are not close.

The second most usage is basic information. I am a googleholic, tried and true. I love looking up everything I do not know, which usually means I waste a great deal of time for random knowledge that I might, or might not remember.

I use the internet to share my stories and pictures on social media via facebook and twitter, and to check up on people I like as well.

I also use Netflix heavily with my fiancee. I can kill 2-4 hours a night watching random shows or just having something going in the background to help Annissa sleep.

Lastly, I use it to stream my music. Such a cheap alternative to buying CDs and carrying them with me.

The internet helps us in many facets, what are some ways you use the internet?

Card of the Day: 01/132 Beast “Big Boy Blue”


Hello Dice Masters, JJ here with the daily Card of the Day. I will be switching up the way I select these cards to make sure I cover every card. From here on out, I will be going in ascending order of the card number of the set. This leaves us with Beast’s Big Boy Blue.

Big Boy Blue has a purchasing amount of two and is a mask energy card. His ability is as follows: Beast gets +1A and +1D (until end of the turn) when he blocks.
*He gets +2A and +2D instead.

Not a terrible card, but compared to the other Beast options, surely a little lackluster. If you are having issues knocking out things by blocking, this guy might help. He also will spin down to level 1 against Tsarina to be even more powerful than his level 3, but that is the only upside I can see in this card.

Post what you think about this card in the comments below, and add how you use Big Boy Blue. Tomorrow we will be reviewing Genetic Expert!

Card of the Day: Ghost Rider “Brimstone Biker”


Today we will take a look at one of the Ghost Rider characters with Brimstone Biker. Brimstone Biker Cost 4 to purchase as a Bolt energy. His ability reads: When fielded, select a die from your use pile and place it into your prep area (you cannot select a die that paid to field this die).


As of right now, I have not seen Brimstone Biker hit the pavement in a constructed play, but that does not mean he is not a great character. At 4 cost to purchase, this die is in a good range to buy, the draw back is the die’s fielding cost. Level 1 on a 2/3 and costs 1 to field, level 2 is a 3/4 for 2 to field and level 3 is a 5/5 for 3 to field. With such a high fielding cost and mediocre stats, the biker might have to sit in the garage for a little while.

But let us focus on his good side. This ability can really help you get out what your need quickly. You can get that game winning dice you bought last turn out next turn. I see this pair really well with combos and when fielded characters. It also allows a little bit of energy ramp as you will be rolling at least five dice the next turn.

Let us know what you use him for by commenting below.

Is Teamwork The Answer? Month 1 OP Says No.


Gobby bombs, Tsarina rush, control decks and finding the answer to give you the edge.  Is teamwork a part of that answer?  Let’s take a look.

I played month 1 OP last week and tried an X-Men Deck with Beast 666, Storm Priestess, Gambit Ace, Wolverine FW10, Professor X CFX, Cyclops Looks Could Kill and added Magneto for the villian reroll global and Johnny Storm for the little damage he can do to make life harder for the opponent.

teamwork_cardI also set up an avengers deck with the usual suspects, but added Mjolnir, Fury and Johnny Storm to the mix.  I used Teamwork and Thrown car for both builds and was ready to really make a difference in the mid to late game with the +1 from teamwork.  For those of you who have not seen teamwork, it gives +1 for every other character that you have out which shares the same affiliation.  Sounds awesome, right?  Beast, Ace, Storm…ya, but they swing for nothing and you don’t want to sacrifice them to the used pile.  Still, I had high hopes.

The only thing is that I only bought the die once, and only because I had 3 energy to burn and no masks.  With Xmen it was storm clearing and Wolverine attacking alone that killed that match in 2.  I was slower in the 2nd match, but had no answer for the gobby/tsarina onslaught that went down.  I did ok, got my ass handed to me in one match but still managed to get Thor.  On the whole, I am not all that impressed by action dice, and consider them to be a replacement strategy at best when you don’t get the rolls you need.  Thrown car, I have a use for.

Teamwork sounds great in principle, but in practice I simply can’t find a way to use it effectively when options like invulnerability and the forthcoming rally are out there waiting for me to use them.  Distraction?  Great but the global defeats the purpose of having wolverine out and attacking alone.

So, I settled on the Avengers deck, with Cpt out to get rid of the SKs for gobby bombs and hulk to punish Tsarina and Johnny Storm.  Until I get the SRs that everyone else has, I can turtle with the best of them, and if I can give the turtle a little bite too, well that’s a bonus.

We’ll see how month 2 OP goes next week, and I will be back to see how the Avengers squad mixes with Johnny and Magneto.

Card of the Day: Storm “Wind-Rider”


The card of the day is Storm the Wind-Rider. A 5 energy to purchase with a mask, Wind-Rider potentially has a lot of of value. Her ability reads as follows: When fielded, reroll up to 2 opposing characters. Each die that does not roll a character goes to your opponent’s used pile. Storm deals 2 damage to your opponent for each die moved.

Why is this card good? First, a lot of people are running beast out there so the masks higher-cost characters are a tad easier to get. Secondly, she has a 50% chance to be an answer to an annoying lock-down die. Thirdly, she has a one-in-six chance of dealing two damage on sidekick rerolls. She helps with the “Gobby” bombs, can eliminate blockers or gets rid of headaches.

On top of being a low fielding cost with 1 on each level, and an X-Men affiliate, Storm can provide versatility. If you are having issues with any of the things I mentioned above, you should give the Wind-Rider a good look.


Check back daily for a Card of the day review.

The Red, White and Blue Contest


Since it is 4th of July week, we are running a little contest. Post in the comments below with your favorite Team involving Captain America. The winner will be sent one random Rare (can request a specific rare in the post). Tell us why you like the team and make sure you celebrate 4th of July this Friday!


Make sure you leave an email that we can contact you with!

Contest will end on Monday so do not delay!

Why Magneto is better than I thought


In episode 1, I had mentioned that I truly disliked the Magneto cards. A listener by the name of Myztery commented and drew my attention to his global. At first, I was still unsure, but did think it was better. For the record, Magneto’s global is pay one mask energy, and re-roll a villain dice.

Now that I have played in some organized and standard events, I realize the crushing power of my favorite X-Men, Magneto. My team relies on villains such as Doctor Doom and Loki, so Magneto can be a very hard counter to my answers. I am also seeing popularity with the Rare Venom that gives all your opponent’s non-fist characters -2A and -2D with a chance of boosting your fist characters for 1A and 1D.

This makes Magneto a far more attractive card, even if his dice and base abilities are lackluster. His global can cancel himself out, but if you are looking for a card to deal with Gemkeeper, Magneto can take out the puny god with hardly the bat of an eye.

Dave and I were discussing the Mjolnir “The Righteous Fist” vs. Magneto’s Global, and Magneto is just a better card for now. The ability is cheaper, and you can use it anytime you have a mask (and would be able to use a global).

Dice Masters Battle Report: June 1st


Hello Dice Masters!

I would like to bring you a recap of the tournament we had this weekend with teams and how they faired. It was a small turn-out as many of the players were out of town or was playing in a rather large Star Wars X-Wing tournament.

Nonetheless, three of us played and had a blast. It was a $5 buy-in with winner takes it all in store credit. Standard constructed rules per dicemasters.com of up to 8 characters and up to 20 dice with 2 basic -of-action cards. We played it best-of-three, which took quite awhile for games with my team, but it was fun.

Tim’s Team

Basic Action Cards:

  • Invulnerability
  • Distraction

Character and Dice:

  • Beast 666: 3
  • Black Widow “Tsarina”: 3
  • Green Goblin “Gobby”: 3
  • Human Torch “Flame On”: 2
  • Ghost Rider “Brimstone”: 2
  • Loki “Gem-keeper”: 2
  • Nova “the Human Rocket”: 3
  • Doctor Octopus “Fully Armed”: 2

David’s Team

Basic Action Cards:

  • Invulnerability
  • Force beam

Character and Dice:

  • Beast “Mutate 666”: 3
  • Human Torch “Johnny Storm”: 4
  • Storm “Goddess of the Plains”: 2
  • Green Goblin “Norman Osborne”: 3
  • Doctor Doom “Reed Richards’ Rival”
  • Loki “Gem-Keeper”: 2
  • Nova “Quasar”: 2
  • Hulk “Green Goliath”: 2

JJ’s Team

Basic Action Cards:

  • Invulnerability
  • Distraction

Character and Dice:

  • Beast “Genetic Expert”: 4
  • Angel “Avenging Angel”: 3
  • Human Torch “Johnny Storm”: 2
  • Loki “Gem-Keeper”: 2
  • Iron Man “Philanthropist”: 3
  • Doctor Doom “Reed Richards’ Rival: 2
  • Storm “Wind-Rider”: 2
  • Silver Surfer “Silverado”: 2

And now for the games and how they broke down from what I can remember. We rotated who sat out as winner stayed and loser went on the first game (so no one would have to sit out for a best-of-three.

Game 1 David vs JJ: JJ won 14 life left

Turn 1 Dave bought a Green Goblin, I can remember that. I responded on turn 2 with a Beast and using Silver Surfer’s global to ramp the following turn. After a couple of Gobby bombs I was able to get out a RRR and actually went with Iron Man to gain some life back (the Beast/Iron Man wall is pretty hard to attack into). Once I had gotten out RRR, I had eliminated the Gobby rush and was sitting at a double digit life total with my team built okay. David got out a Quasar, but my Johnny Storm plinking Iron Man and David proved to be too much and I won the match with 14 life left.

Game 2 JJ vs Tim: JJ won with 12 life left

I recall Tim going first and getting Green Gobby and a sidekick, a perfect Gobby first play. I responded with a Beast I recall and once again using Silver Surfer to hopefully buy a turn 2 RRR which I did not get. Tim bought another Gobby and I believe he used Surfers Global as well. After blocking Gobby’s with sidekicks and removing them from battle, I hit the 5 energy later to get RRR and he changed his strategy to Tsarina. My Beasts ate her as they spun down and dealt him damage and it became a slow stalemate as I was slow to get our my Johnny Storm. I recall us using Silver Surfer’s ability a lot but the game was a stalemate as I would not attack. I won out with my Johnny Storm able to do enough direct damage with 12 life left.

Game 3 Tim vs David: Tim won with 20 life left

This was by far the fastest game. Tim was rolling the gobby bombs and a lot of sidekicks very quickly while David could not get to RRR and his Johnny Storm’s were rolling as energy. 3 dice of Gobby bombs with 5 sidekicks fielded is where a Gobby player wants to be.

Game 4: JJ vs David: JJ won with 10 life

David got to go first and bought a Johnny Storm first turn. I honestly had not thought of how to play my team against this and I was completely thrown. On my turn, I had to think and decided to go with Angel as I banked that he would not want to block with his Johnny Storm. The two of us were racing and I Gem-Keeper’d his Nova as I did not want to deal with the early damage. As we raced him fielding sidekicks and I attacking and removing Angel when needed with Distraction, I came out on top with 10 life left.

Game 5: JJ vs Tim: JJ won with 15 life.

Tim got to go first and went a very hard Tsarina rush, I responded with my Beasts and stalemated his rush. he switched to Gobby mid-game which I Gem-Keeper’d Gobby. At this point he began attacking with Tsarina, hoping I would re-roll as energy so he could get through. With Beast helping me get life and Iron Man there to help as well, I came out on top with 15 life left.

Tim and David elected not to play game 6.

I only attacked my opponent once, and that was to end the game. The team sat back and just dealt with what was thrown at it while dealing direct damage.

I hope you enjoyed this write up. In the future, I will be bringing more detailed battle reports as I will be recording some of the matches. Keep an eye out for our next podcast which will be recorded this week and of course we appreciate any and all comments.