Dice Masters Battle Report: June 1st


Hello Dice Masters!

I would like to bring you a recap of the tournament we had this weekend with teams and how they faired. It was a small turn-out as many of the players were out of town or was playing in a rather large Star Wars X-Wing tournament.

Nonetheless, three of us played and had a blast. It was a $5 buy-in with winner takes it all in store credit. Standard constructed rules per dicemasters.com of up to 8 characters and up to 20 dice with 2 basic -of-action cards. We played it best-of-three, which took quite awhile for games with my team, but it was fun.

Tim’s Team

Basic Action Cards:

  • Invulnerability
  • Distraction

Character and Dice:

  • Beast 666: 3
  • Black Widow “Tsarina”: 3
  • Green Goblin “Gobby”: 3
  • Human Torch “Flame On”: 2
  • Ghost Rider “Brimstone”: 2
  • Loki “Gem-keeper”: 2
  • Nova “the Human Rocket”: 3
  • Doctor Octopus “Fully Armed”: 2

David’s Team

Basic Action Cards:

  • Invulnerability
  • Force beam

Character and Dice:

  • Beast “Mutate 666”: 3
  • Human Torch “Johnny Storm”: 4
  • Storm “Goddess of the Plains”: 2
  • Green Goblin “Norman Osborne”: 3
  • Doctor Doom “Reed Richards’ Rival”
  • Loki “Gem-Keeper”: 2
  • Nova “Quasar”: 2
  • Hulk “Green Goliath”: 2

JJ’s Team

Basic Action Cards:

  • Invulnerability
  • Distraction

Character and Dice:

  • Beast “Genetic Expert”: 4
  • Angel “Avenging Angel”: 3
  • Human Torch “Johnny Storm”: 2
  • Loki “Gem-Keeper”: 2
  • Iron Man “Philanthropist”: 3
  • Doctor Doom “Reed Richards’ Rival: 2
  • Storm “Wind-Rider”: 2
  • Silver Surfer “Silverado”: 2

And now for the games and how they broke down from what I can remember. We rotated who sat out as winner stayed and loser went on the first game (so no one would have to sit out for a best-of-three.

Game 1 David vs JJ: JJ won 14 life left

Turn 1 Dave bought a Green Goblin, I can remember that. I responded on turn 2 with a Beast and using Silver Surfer’s global to ramp the following turn. After a couple of Gobby bombs I was able to get out a RRR and actually went with Iron Man to gain some life back (the Beast/Iron Man wall is pretty hard to attack into). Once I had gotten out RRR, I had eliminated the Gobby rush and was sitting at a double digit life total with my team built okay. David got out a Quasar, but my Johnny Storm plinking Iron Man and David proved to be too much and I won the match with 14 life left.

Game 2 JJ vs Tim: JJ won with 12 life left

I recall Tim going first and getting Green Gobby and a sidekick, a perfect Gobby first play. I responded with a Beast I recall and once again using Silver Surfer to hopefully buy a turn 2 RRR which I did not get. Tim bought another Gobby and I believe he used Surfers Global as well. After blocking Gobby’s with sidekicks and removing them from battle, I hit the 5 energy later to get RRR and he changed his strategy to Tsarina. My Beasts ate her as they spun down and dealt him damage and it became a slow stalemate as I was slow to get our my Johnny Storm. I recall us using Silver Surfer’s ability a lot but the game was a stalemate as I would not attack. I won out with my Johnny Storm able to do enough direct damage with 12 life left.

Game 3 Tim vs David: Tim won with 20 life left

This was by far the fastest game. Tim was rolling the gobby bombs and a lot of sidekicks very quickly while David could not get to RRR and his Johnny Storm’s were rolling as energy. 3 dice of Gobby bombs with 5 sidekicks fielded is where a Gobby player wants to be.

Game 4: JJ vs David: JJ won with 10 life

David got to go first and bought a Johnny Storm first turn. I honestly had not thought of how to play my team against this and I was completely thrown. On my turn, I had to think and decided to go with Angel as I banked that he would not want to block with his Johnny Storm. The two of us were racing and I Gem-Keeper’d his Nova as I did not want to deal with the early damage. As we raced him fielding sidekicks and I attacking and removing Angel when needed with Distraction, I came out on top with 10 life left.

Game 5: JJ vs Tim: JJ won with 15 life.

Tim got to go first and went a very hard Tsarina rush, I responded with my Beasts and stalemated his rush. he switched to Gobby mid-game which I Gem-Keeper’d Gobby. At this point he began attacking with Tsarina, hoping I would re-roll as energy so he could get through. With Beast helping me get life and Iron Man there to help as well, I came out on top with 15 life left.

Tim and David elected not to play game 6.

I only attacked my opponent once, and that was to end the game. The team sat back and just dealt with what was thrown at it while dealing direct damage.

I hope you enjoyed this write up. In the future, I will be bringing more detailed battle reports as I will be recording some of the matches. Keep an eye out for our next podcast which will be recorded this week and of course we appreciate any and all comments.

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