Why Magneto is better than I thought


In episode 1, I had mentioned that I truly disliked the Magneto cards. A listener by the name of Myztery commented and drew my attention to his global. At first, I was still unsure, but did think it was better. For the record, Magneto’s global is pay one mask energy, and re-roll a villain dice.

Now that I have played in some organized and standard events, I realize the crushing power of my favorite X-Men, Magneto. My team relies on villains such as Doctor Doom and Loki, so Magneto can be a very hard counter to my answers. I am also seeing popularity with the Rare Venom that gives all your opponent’s non-fist characters -2A and -2D with a chance of boosting your fist characters for 1A and 1D.

This makes Magneto a far more attractive card, even if his dice and base abilities are lackluster. His global can cancel himself out, but if you are looking for a card to deal with Gemkeeper, Magneto can take out the puny god with hardly the bat of an eye.

Dave and I were discussing the Mjolnir “The Righteous Fist” vs. Magneto’s Global, and Magneto is just a better card for now. The ability is cheaper, and you can use it anytime you have a mask (and would be able to use a global).

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