DFW Dice Masters Podcast Episode 1 – The Pilot


Well JJ and Dave have gotten around to making the first DFW Dice Masters Podcast. Click here to listen.

JJ and Dave talk about their teams, their most and least favorite characters, the Dungeons and Dragons set, the Uncanny X-Men Origins spoiler and the newly released FAQ.

Please give us feedback, comments and questions. Thanks for supporting us!

2 thoughts on “DFW Dice Masters Podcast Episode 1 – The Pilot

  1. Myztery

    I have to disagree, or at least chime in on your hatred for Magneto. Not that he was on your crap dice list, but when discussing his weaknesses, his strength was overlooked. With his global he can counter 2 of the dice that your unbeatable team kinda relies on, Loki and Doom. Granted, using Magneto pretty much takes away the desire to actually field him, but it does counter a Venom/Doom build, and it might prevent an opponent from wanting to buy Loki.

    • Completely right. He is a good global ability, but his global counters his dice which just makes him a global to me. Fine to have a dice on him for a counter to Gemkeeper and RRR. Not saying my team i sunbeatable (game would be rather unbalanced if true), just saying I believe it is the best possibility out there given the cards.

      Great comment, and makes me rate Magneto far highter! Thanks for the input.

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