Card of the Day: Ghost Rider “Brimstone Biker”


Today we will take a look at one of the Ghost Rider characters with Brimstone Biker. Brimstone Biker Cost 4 to purchase as a Bolt energy. His ability reads: When fielded, select a die from your use pile and place it into your prep area (you cannot select a die that paid to field this die).


As of right now, I have not seen Brimstone Biker hit the pavement in a constructed play, but that does not mean he is not a great character. At 4 cost to purchase, this die is in a good range to buy, the draw back is the die’s fielding cost. Level 1 on a 2/3 and costs 1 to field, level 2 is a 3/4 for 2 to field and level 3 is a 5/5 for 3 to field. With such a high fielding cost and mediocre stats, the biker might have to sit in the garage for a little while.

But let us focus on his good side. This ability can really help you get out what your need quickly. You can get that game winning dice you bought last turn out next turn. I see this pair really well with combos and when fielded characters. It also allows a little bit of energy ramp as you will be rolling at least five dice the next turn.

Let us know what you use him for by commenting below.

2 thoughts on “Card of the Day: Ghost Rider “Brimstone Biker”

  1. It seems, with the very high fielding cost, it just isn’t useful to have him early in the game. However, late game when the used pile starts growing and having more useful options BB becomes a viable move.

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