Is Teamwork The Answer? Month 1 OP Says No.


Gobby bombs, Tsarina rush, control decks and finding the answer to give you the edge.  Is teamwork a part of that answer?  Let’s take a look.

I played month 1 OP last week and tried an X-Men Deck with Beast 666, Storm Priestess, Gambit Ace, Wolverine FW10, Professor X CFX, Cyclops Looks Could Kill and added Magneto for the villian reroll global and Johnny Storm for the little damage he can do to make life harder for the opponent.

teamwork_cardI also set up an avengers deck with the usual suspects, but added Mjolnir, Fury and Johnny Storm to the mix.  I used Teamwork and Thrown car for both builds and was ready to really make a difference in the mid to late game with the +1 from teamwork.  For those of you who have not seen teamwork, it gives +1 for every other character that you have out which shares the same affiliation.  Sounds awesome, right?  Beast, Ace, Storm…ya, but they swing for nothing and you don’t want to sacrifice them to the used pile.  Still, I had high hopes.

The only thing is that I only bought the die once, and only because I had 3 energy to burn and no masks.  With Xmen it was storm clearing and Wolverine attacking alone that killed that match in 2.  I was slower in the 2nd match, but had no answer for the gobby/tsarina onslaught that went down.  I did ok, got my ass handed to me in one match but still managed to get Thor.  On the whole, I am not all that impressed by action dice, and consider them to be a replacement strategy at best when you don’t get the rolls you need.  Thrown car, I have a use for.

Teamwork sounds great in principle, but in practice I simply can’t find a way to use it effectively when options like invulnerability and the forthcoming rally are out there waiting for me to use them.  Distraction?  Great but the global defeats the purpose of having wolverine out and attacking alone.

So, I settled on the Avengers deck, with Cpt out to get rid of the SKs for gobby bombs and hulk to punish Tsarina and Johnny Storm.  Until I get the SRs that everyone else has, I can turtle with the best of them, and if I can give the turtle a little bite too, well that’s a bonus.

We’ll see how month 2 OP goes next week, and I will be back to see how the Avengers squad mixes with Johnny and Magneto.

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