Official FAQ broken down


With the release of the FAQ, some people might still be confused, or just want a TL;DR and we have your back.

Drawing Dice Effects

  • Gearing Up
  1. Can be used during Main Step or during the Attack Step prior to damage being assigned.
  2. They cannot be rerolled since the reroll phase has passed
  • Gambit “Ace in the Hole” and characters like it
  1. When the requirements are filled, the effect happens. When Gambit is fielded, you draw the dice.

Target Must Attack Effects

  • Must be activated before the Attack Step

If a character with a game effect that is triggered by taking damage is KO’ed due to damage dealt in combat, does their game effect occur?

  • Yes

If a character with a game effect that is triggered by taking damage is KO’ed by a game effect that KO’s the character, does the game effect occur?

  • No, KO’d is not taking damage.

Please explain game effects that occur when a character is “engaged” in combat. 

  • Engaged means still blocked/blocking a character at the time. For the purpose of clarification, we will use Black Widow “Natural”.


If Black Widow has knocked out the character she was blocked by or been knocked out the character she was blocking at the assign damage step, her ability would not trigger because she would not be engaged at the end of the attack step.

Please explain “When fielded” effects

  • The effects happen when the character reaches the field in any fashion. They take affect even if the character would die due to something like Doctor Doom “Reed Richards’ Rival” killing it instantly.

Please explain “While Active” effects.

  • Effects that are static as long as a dice is in the field or attacking zone.
  • The effects do not stack for the player, but if both players have the card in play, the effect would be applied for each player regardless of how many extra dice the players may have on the field.

Please explain the interaction/timing of “When Fielded” and “While Active” effects. 

  • Dice that are fielded are affected by while active effects. However, the when fielded effect still triggers regardless if the character dies or not.

Please explain “When/While attacking” and “When/While blocking” effects.

  • The effects trigger each and every time the requirement is met and for each die that is accomplishing the requirement. Essentially when a character is assigned to block, or assigned to attack.

What happens to a captured die if the capturing die is captured, rerolled, or otherwise changed such that the power is no longer available?

  • You put it back the way you found it, where you found it, unless the card notes otherwise.

Is a character considered to be blocked even if the blocker is removed from combat before damage is assigned?

  • Yes

: Can you use a 2 generic energy die to both field characters and purchase a die in the same turn? To field two characters who each cost 1 to field?

  • Yes, but you must do it without performing another action in between.

If a card effect is triggered multiple time by the same game effect, does the card effect happen multiple times as a result? 

  • They answered this poorly, if the effect is triggered simultaneously, multiple times, then the effect would only trigger once. However, if another new source would trigger it again, the effect triggers again. Essentially a single action cannot trigger one ability multiple times. 

: If I target a character with two separate effects that resolve simultaneously, and for opposite effect, what happens?

  • The active player would choose which effect to apply first.

Hope the helps all you Dice Masters out. Once again, David and I will be breaking down the FAQ a little, but I hope this article helps.



One thought on “Official FAQ broken down

  1. I’m looking forward to finally playing this! Also, what’s your take on the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons Dicemaster game? Do you think it will be compatible?

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